
Elsevier Saunders 2012

Tendon vascularity and gliding, Island and free vascularized transfers. Chapter 31 p323-339. In Tendon surgery of the Hand

Tang JB, Amadio P, Guimberteau JC, Chang J.

Elsevier Masson 2012

Annales de chirurgie plastique Esthétique Vol 57. N° 5. P.415-530.
Entrée en matière vivante

Guimberteau JC.

Springer 2011

Appareil fléchisseur: reconstruction en un temps .La traumatologie des parties molles de la main. Approche pratique en orthopédie .traumatologie.

Guimberteau JC, Liverneaux P, Chantelot C.

Elsevier India 2011

Fascia : The tensional Network of the body . chapter 3.6 – The subcutaneous and epitendinous tissue behavior of the multimicrovacuolar sliding system.

Guimberteau JC., Schleip R, Findley T.

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Ulnar Island Retrograde Composite Flaps for primary Salvage Reconstruction.Chapter 35. In Primary Care of Complex Injuries of the Hand and Wrist.Guimberteau

Guimberteau JC, Dubert T, Georgescu A, Soucacos P.

Elsevier Masson 2010

Chirurgie de la main 29 (2010) 155–166
The role and mechanical behavior of the connective tissue in tendon sliding.

Guimberteau J-C, Delage JP, Wong Jason.

Elsevier Masson 2009

Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique, doi : 10.1016/j.anplas.2009.11.009
Faire peau neuve. New skin view.

Guimberteau J-C, Delage JP, Wong Jason.

Elsevier 2007

Journal of Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (2007) 60,793-810.
A fresh look at vascularized flexor tendon transfers : concept, technical aspects and results.

Guimberteau JC, Bakhach J, Panconi B, Rouzaud S.

Springer 2007

Lambeaux pédiculés sur l’axe ulnaire.
Couverture des pertes de substance cutanée de la main et des doigts. Approche pratique en orthopédie, traumatologie.

Guimberteau J, Le Nen D, Hu Weiguo, Laulan J.

Thieme Medical Publishers. Semin Plast Surg 2007, 21 :250-258.

Experimental and clinical expérience with Small Composite Tissue Allotransplants and Cryopreservation Techniques.

Guimberteau JC, Bakhach J, Casoli V. In Allograft Transplantation ; Guest Editor, Maria Siemionow,M.D ,Ph.D ,D.Sc.

Elsevier Masson 2007

Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, doi:10.1016/j.anplas.2007.06.009
Composite tissues allotransplants : Forewords

Guimberteau JC.

Elsevier Masson 2007

Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, doi:10.1016/j.anplas.2007.06.008
allotransplantation in hand surgery in 1989 ?

Guimberteau JC, Bakhach J,Casoli V. Why think about tendons

Elsevier Masson 2007

Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, doi:10.1016/j.anplas.2007.06.006
The cryopreservation of composite tissues: principle, literature review and preliminary results of our own experiments.

Guimberteau JC, Bakhach J,Casoli V.

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Subcutaneous Tissue function : The multimicrovacuolar Absorbing Sliding System in Hand and Plastic Surgery. Tissue Surgery. Maria Z.Siemonov Editor. New Techniques in Surgery. Chapter 4. pp41-54.

Guimberteau JC, Bakhach J.

Académie nationale de Chirurgie (ANC) 2006

Le concept multimicrovacuolaire, dynamique et architecture basique de la matière vivante. Observations, réflexions, applications à l’anatomie humaine et à la chirurgie. Séance du 12/04/2006

Guimberteau JC.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery : 81: 925, 1988

The reverse uInar artery forearm island flap in hand surgery : 54 cases

Guimberteau, J. C., Goin, J. L., Panconi, B., and Schumacher, B.

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Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique
Volume 50, Issue 1 , February 2005, Pages 19-34 Microchirurgie

Introduction to the knowledge of subcutaneous sliding system in humans

Guimberteau J.C, J. Sentucq-Rigall, B. Panconi, R. Boileau, P. Mouton and J. Bakhach

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery : 92:888-903, 1993

Mesovascularized island flexor tendon: new concepts and techniques for flexor tendon salvage surgery.

Guimberteau JC, Panconi B, Boileau R

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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery : 1992 – volume 89 – Issue 6 – ppg 1135-1147

Human Allotransplant of a Digital Flexion system vascularized on the Ulnar Pedicle.A preliminay report and 1 year follow up of two cases.

Guimberteau JC, Baudet J, Panconi B, Boileau R, Potaux L.

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